Nov 30, 2007

My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad

Yea, face it, he'd kick your ass. Not even himself. He's got access to the big missles (or close enough) and he could "remove" you on his lunch break.

While he's not my biological father, my mom's husband JC Oberst is currently stationed in Bahrain. He just finished about a 2 or 3 year stint in the Pentagon and his current title is something along the lines of "Commander of Southeast Asia," aka King Kong.

Yea, not Captain Stabbin', not Maxwell Smart. He runs the show, and knows more than we'll ever have a clue about regarding our government, the navy, and the middle east. He's commanding the US Naval Base in Bahrain, as well as another *unofficial* base in Djibouti. You know what the capital of Djibouti is? It's Djibouti fool!

Shake your booty to that, and don't talk smack to me b/c I'll point a laser at your house and watch it disappear seconds later. Suckaaaas!!!!

Source - my mom's and his blog can be seen here:

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Anonymous said...

what is strange is that my longtime internet friend commander zeno worked/s at that base in djibouti, and also lives in dc. he's awesome. he probably knows your stepdad too. also, your step dad's last name matches that of bright eyes frontman connor oberst. hmmm...


This is so awesome... thanks Michael.