Nov 25, 2007

Krumping, for those who don't know

So I've been introduced to a seemingly newer style of...dancing...that apparently began in the US - who knew?? Well I didn't until Manda and Jodi spoke to me about it last weekend.

Watch this video please:

I may just be able to share some aussie krumping by these girls - i don't think they've quite mastered the style :o but they're getting close. It's funny at first, but maybe you'll start to like it? Let me know what you think...or if you already knew about this.

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Piff Tannen said...

just found your blog dawg. its dope, but it also reminds me that im sitting in a cubicle. peace!

Piff Tannen said...

also, david lachappelle made a movie about krumping i think, called Rize. it came out a year or two ago.

Anonymous said...

Hehe love this little tribute to krumping! i think ive gotten better! not :p - Mandi