Dec 5, 2007

The Love Bomb; and not Dr. Strangelove

Please read for yourself news of a gay bomb, or love bomb as you will:

After seriously considering how this could be done, I can only imagine the government must be employing super-chemists to dabble in a variety of the worlds greatest...well, chemicals. Who knows what side affects that has on the staff, both good and bad. But based on my knowledge of chemicals, or drugs if you will, this would have to be no other than an "Ecstasy Bomb" right?! I mean, you turn it into a gas form and all of a sudden you have a bunch of men in camo rolling, begging for a bottle of water and someone to massage them (for starters). On that note, it's too gross to delve further, so I'll leave you with your own thoughts on what could occur.

So why didn't they do it? God wouldn't approve? No. Because ecstasy is illegal? Pfff...obviously not. Let's see...ummm...even if the men DID fall in love with each other, it would be momentary. While the gay men would be in heaven, sort of like Dupont Circle meets the desert, all the heterosexuals would wake up and realize what they just engaged in. What does that mean? That means load your friggin' automatic weapons and start killing all the witnesses to avoid any chance of it making it's way back home, thereby reversing the planned effect and continuing the war ten fold.

Btw, I've asked King Kong* about this and his knowledge of the [let's be honest and call it what it is] Gay Bomb before it became public. I will update with his response if able.

*King Kong - reference to JC Oberst (see posting entitled My Dad Can Beat Up Your Dad)

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Anonymous said...

"and all of a sudden you have a bunch of men in camo rolling, begging for a bottle of water and someone to massage them (for starters"