Nov 23, 2007

Fiji - Pictures Only

Panorama from the Nadi Airport

Perhaps I found the entrance to....?

Early morning from the Rendezvous beach

The small things matter, too.

Tomo & I on the bus

Where we takeoff from...

Peace suckas!

'Tis Eye

I have no good shots of the surf. Here's Wilkes Pass

Taylor & Levi on the boat

A wave making its way through the channel is no bueno. This guy had to quickly move further out.

Stressed? No, not really...


Diving for sand to bring home

Simply Beautiful

Taylor, I, Levi - riding the train
Tomo - also riding train

Levi - the man

Levi - choppin' the coconut

I can't for the life of me remember her name, but she was always smiling and I like that =)

Post surfing - time to eat

The cat wants a bite too!

This is Kimmy - his parents apprently left him in Fiji after spending 2 months there. He's been there by himself for 2 weeks, just hanging out. A bit strange I thought, but cool nonetheless. He's learning English.

Levi sneaking a cart onto the track for us to ride.

View from one of the dirt roads outside the resort.

Rendezvous Surf & Dive Resort

There are tons of beautiful flowers and vegetation.


A small place to relax, all within one big place to relax...

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