Music: err..radiohead
My friend Cali asks if she can call me Idiot for short. I figured I'd elaborate after that request.
The only reason I use that tag is b/c it's more interesting than Mike, or Michael. My mom wanted to name me Amos - that could've worked.
Idioteque - a song by the band Radiohead. No apparent meaning behind it, but mr wiki-P states it's from Johnny Greenwood (producer and member of Radiohead) experimenting with samples and synthisizers back during the making of the Kid A album.
Radiohead - a personal favorite, top ten for sure.
This past Sunday night - it rained for what seemed like 24 hours straight. It was 40 degrees or less. I was at Nissan Pavilion (thankfully under covered seating) watching Radiohead. The show was sick, they were near perfect, and Thom Yorke and friends are genius, whether you dig the music or not.
So here's the song, Idioteque.
And here's a couple pictures I was able to capture before security zombies firebombed me to tragic ending. Blasphemy. I laugh until my head comes off.